Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is the newest installment of the Call of Duty series. Official teasers for the game have been surfacing since the later stages of 2015, but even now, not much is known about the game. Many rumors have surfaced, but none appeared to have any significant back-up or support.

However, there was one rumor that is worth mentioning.

The first official poster for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare released early this year.

On Reddit, a picture displaying the latest Call of Duty game alongside Modern Warfare was leaked, implying that the two installments may be related in some way. Since then, the account has been deleted and Activision has refused to comment on any further rumors.

This theory was met with positive reception. Currently, many fans believe that the next installment will be a remastered version of Modern Warfare 2, taking us back to memorable maps like Rust and Quarry. There’s even a petition asking for a remastered version of Modern Warfare 2, and as of now, the petition has reached over 200,000 supporters.

Infinite Warfare? Modern Warfare?

Regardless, I’m excited to see where Infinity Ward goes with this next installment. Modern Warfare 2 offered one of the most enjoyable multiplayer experiences. If they somehow manage to create a quality remastered version, that might be enough to bring the series back up to its old standards.

With E3 just on the horizon, I’m expecting Infinity Ward and Activision to release an official statement about the state of the game in the next coming months. 

So, fans who miss that nostalgic feeling associated with the “golden days” of Call of Duty, rest assured, your prayers might finally be answered.