According to VGchartz, pre-orders for Infinite Warfare are dramatically low when compared to last year’s Black Ops 3. As seen in the screenshot above, Black Ops 3 was the highest pre-ordered game during the week of May 14th, 2015 – with the Xbox One version sitting at over 400,000 copies pre-ordered, and the PS4 version sitting at over 280,000. Infinite Warfare, in comparison, is only sitting at 32,000 for the PS4 version and just over 30,000 for the Xbox One version. So things are not looking good, unless E3 can turn it around.

Infinite Warfare is set to be released this year on November 11th for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Editor’s Note: After this article was published, a spokesperson from Activision reached out to us and clarified these figures, saying:

Stay tuned for more info.