While there’s no official confirmation as of this writing, the Call of Duty series has seen many of its games leak ahead of their official reveals. The information in the report also fits in with the narrative that Call of Duty: Warzone has been delivering in the form of its mysterious Easter eggs.
Following this week’s update, bunkers scattered around the map have finally unlocked by way of random access cards scattered across the map. Players have now discovered a secret 11th bunker, which when accessed, showcases many Black Ops-related items such as a war room, a countdown, and a nuclear warhead.
The video below by YouTuber, eColiEspresso reveals the vault’s full contents:
It seems likely that these teases are referring to a transformation in the map by way of a tactical nuke to coincide with the annual Call of Duty launch.
There’s no official word on this year’s Call of Duty release or the nature of all the teases found Call of Duty: Warzone, but it’s most probable that more will be unveiled over the coming weeks.
Be sure to check GameSkinny for any news as it comes in, as well as more on Call of Duty: Warzone here!