The Grammy grant winning vocalist spread the word about this by means of his Snapchat as he bragged the abundance he had assembled in his vocation, adding that he would before long open a school to show individuals how to gather such abundance with savvy business choices.

He added that regardless of whether he were to stop music today his faultfinders wouldn’t have the option to have the sort of abundance he has.

The vocalist further pronounced himself as “everyone’s daddy.”

Wizkid expressed, “I can quit contacting the mic today and you all lil n*ggas still can’t contact the riches!

— Punch Newspapers (@MobilePunch) October 30, 2022

Regardless of whether you ask your father and mother for help #moreloveLessEgo #EveryBody’sDaddy.

“Additionally soon. I’ll open a class for u n*ggas to come to figure out how to get all you merit with less work and brilliant business decisions.

“Pushing ahead! You all address me as Sir or daddy before you notice my name! Alright children!.”