On Tuesday, the Fresno Region Sheriff’s Office declared through Facebook that a body specialists accept is Jolissa Fuentes was found by Selma Police Division boss Rudy Alcaraz.


He originally found “vehicle flotsam and jetsam” on Trimmer Springs Street, making him research further.

He then found “old tire tracks that went through vegetation and off a precipice,” the FCSO added.

Alcaraz advised experts in Fresno Region and requested search and salvage groups to be shipped off the area.

“Drones were flown and delegates rappelled down in excess of 400 feet off the street and found a harmed vehicle.

The vehicle had a place with Jolissa Fuentes,” the sheriff’s office made sense of.

Stays that are likewise supposed to be Jolissa’s were found, alongside a portion of her “own possessions,” the FCSO added.

The coroner’s office is attempting to affirm that it is Jolissa. Specialists don’t really accept that treachery is involved.

The FCSO additionally shared film from an official’s robot that showed the “sharp bend” and “steep territory” where her vehicle crashed.

In a news preparation Tuesday night, went to by Jolissa’s family, Alcaraz said it’s conceivable Jolissa was “up throughout the evening” and nodded off at the worst possible time before the single-auto collision. Fresno District Sheriff Margaret Mims added that the impact and the region are being scrutinized as specialists accumulate more subtleties.

Taking note of that Alcaraz was the official who made the underlying disclosure, Mims said, “Being an honest lady, I think he was supernaturally directed to that area, alongside his police sense.”

Jolissa’s dad, Joey Fuentes, additionally shared a profound message, first saying thanks to the country for their assistance.

He told Alcaraz, ” ‘I maintain that you should pursue my little girl like she’s your girl, Boss. He told me, ‘I guarantee you Joey. I guarantee you, I will track down your little girl.’ ”

“He was an honest man,” Joey said of Alcaraz. “He’s my legend.”

That’s what joey said, during their quest for Jolissa, the family had heard “a wide range of stories” about her vanishing.

Alcaraz made sense of how he found Jolissa, saying, “I just lucked out.”

Jolissa was most recently seen at around 4 a.m. on Aug. 7. She was accounted for missing the following day.

Police had recuperated observation film from an AM/PM Service station that showed her strolling into the business and purchasing something at the front counter.

Jolissa was found in the recording leaving the store, getting back to her vehicle, then driving off.

She hosted went to a get-together at a companion’s home the prior night, and halted at her grandma’s place to get a sack and a cash prior to heading to the AM/PM.

— Music&More (@hiplifehiphop) October 12, 2022

Family members looked for her everyday, scouring close by plantations, grape plantations and ranches for any indication of her.

A $10,000 reward was likewise presented for any data prompting her whereabouts.