Caitlin Mathis, a 18-year-old young lady, was a worker in a Buffalo Wild Wings in Grapevine, Texas. This was a similar spot where she had a heartbreaking gathering with Charles Bryant in 2016.

At first, enchanted by his smooth ways and well disposed nature, Caitlin ended up succumbing to this character in spite of an age contrast of 11 years. Be that as it may, inside the space of weeks into dating him, Caitlin knew about his narcissistic disposition and controlling conduct.

Along these lines, prior to going to join the University of North Texas in Denton that fall, Caitlin Mathis severed things with Charles for good. She may have trusted that it was the last time she’d see him. Yet, she was unable to have been all the more off-base.

Days after, Charles was found before her apartment. Panicked, Caitlin called grounds security and had him captured. At that point, on what might have been their three-month commemoration, Charles visited her indeed with a bouquet and a two-page letter.

By this point, Caitlin was so terrified and frozen, she stowed away in her storeroom and called the police. After this episode, Caitlin had a controlling request against him, which he was seen abusing consistently.

On September 14, 2016, Jackie Vandagriff’s damaged body was found on Grapevine Lake. The state of her body was with the end goal that it was even difficult to distinguish in the event that it was a grown-up or a youngster, male or female.

In the wake of revealing her character, police before long found the video where she was most recently seen with a man at some school bar in Denton, Texas. This hunt drove the Ranger Holland to speculate as a matter of fact Charles Bryant, the ex of Caitlin Mathis.

Charles was at that point in the care in the charge of abusing the limiting request recorded by Mathis. Following the homicide of Jackie Vandagriff, Charles kept appearing on Caitlin’s grounds and in this way, captured multiple times.

Given his set of experiences, Ranger Holland held him as a great suspect. At first, Charles denied the charges and wouldn’t recognize Jackie’s presence.

Be that as it may, Ranger Holland had his own specific manner of talking wanton executioners.

In the wake of talking Charles Bryant for six hours, Ranger Holland guessed that Bryant couldn’t deal with the dismissal of his previous sweetheart. This drove him to correct his retaliation upon the following lady he could discover, who additionally ended up taking after his ex Caitlin.

The entire tale about the abhorrent homicide was appeared in The Murder of Jackie Vandagriff, an all-new 48 Hours’ scene, that broadcasted on Saturday, January 16, 2021.

Hear what else Caitlin Mathis has to say, up next at 10/9c.

— 48 Hours (@48hours) January 17, 2021

As of now, Caitlin Mathis has moved on from the University of North Texas. She functions as a clerical specialist, an Account Representative at Righter Insurance in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Following the occurrence, Caitlin Mathis had considered Charles To be as a liberated person, aside from the day she went to affirm against him for his homicide preliminary in 2018.

Since her declaration had no immediate association with the homicide, it was precluded.

Further, Caitlin has communicated her pain and blame for not having the option to help Jackie. In any case, by the day’s end, she additionally offered her thanks for being alive.