Deej sat down with design lead Lars Bakken, who went more in-depth with the changes that are set to be made to the Crucible mode and weapon sandbox.

Reviving teammates has been updated.

Currently, it takes five seconds for teammates to be revived. After the April Update, the cooldown timer will be increased by two seconds, then increased by seven seconds every subsequent resurrection. Bakken stated in the stream that the changes make resurrections more of a choice:

Deej also suggested the idea of putting a bounty on Mtashed, a Destiny Let’s Player, and see what exactly he thinks about these new changes when the first Trial of Osiris match begins on April 15.

Changes to drops and weapons

Trial of Osiris will also drop gear up to 335 Light. Bounties will drop gear up to 330 Light.

In the weapon aspect of things, players spawn with special ammo at the beginning of a match in every game type. Designer Jon Weisnewski also detailed which weapons will be altered in the update, such as the auto rifles. Some with higher rates of fire, such as the Necrochasm, are getting their base damage lowered, whereas auto rifles with lower rates of fire, such as the SUROS Regime, are getting their base damage increased.

The full patch notes for the April Update will be available in the next couple of days. Bungie will be posting more details on their website tomorrow.