People Can Fly then became Epic Games Poland, however they’ve announced today that they’ve returned to their original name, People Can Fly (they missed a trick not being called People Can Fly Again).

The studio are still working with Epic Games on Unreal Engine 4 and the upcoming Fortnite, however they’ve confirmed they’re also working on their own ’entirely new’ unannounced project. Bulletstorm 2? Yes please!

Despite Bulletstorm being published by EA, PCF have themselves listed as the developer and owners of the IP on the Bulletstorm website, indicating they’re able to pursue a sequel if they wished.

A statement on their blog read:

Cliff Bleszinski, currently of Boss Key Productions but formerly the Lead Designer at Epic Games, had this to say about the news.

It’s always a possibility that PCF have decided to create a brand new IP and let Bulletstorm be the standalone great that it was, but we can hope can’t we?