On January 3, 2023, Japanese distribution Shueisha uncovered in a new article that BTS’s V is one of the most attractive countenances with an ideal E-line and facial balance. The article named (deciphered) “The Main 5 Faces You Need to be in 2022” imparted the insights and data given by an eminent Japanese plastic specialist, Dr. Motokuni Kida.


Dr. Motokuni Kida is quite possibly of the most trusted and presumed plastic specialist in Japan and the overseer of BIANCA Center. The plastic specialist reports that V has the ideal E-line face and adds:

“V is the proprietor of an ideal E-line. He has an unmistakable faceline and a solid jaw. He has an appealing face that is both delicate and manly.”

While depicting the qualities of the BTS’ V’s face, the plastic specialist Dr. Motokuni Kida says it will cost in excess of 40 million won to get a face like Kim Tae-hyung. The symbol’s ideal face has side points that would require a great deal of a medical procedure. Solely after a ton of medical procedures could the men at any point have comparable shapes to him.

To comprehend the reason why E-line is one of the most outstanding highlights of BTS’ V, it is important to comprehend what E-line is in more extensive terms and what sort of E-line V has.

In more extensive terms, the E-line is utilized to quantify an individual’s side profile and how it interfaces with different pieces of the face. It is a nonexistent line associating the nose, lips, and jawline. The ideal point is between the tip of the nose and the upper lip, and it ought to be 90 to 105 degrees.

The plastic specialist depicts that BTS’ V has the ideal nasolabial point that matches the best point of 90 to 150 degress and different points moreover. He has additionally expressed that the length of his face fulfills the standard brilliant proportion.

Kim Tae-hyung has additionally beaten a few arrangements of the World’s Most Attractive Face from the most recent five years. The outcomes were chosen from the pundit’s assessments and public surveys and votes.

Beforehand, Kim Tae-hyung has been named as a logically attractive man by numerous famous plastic specialists both in South Korea and abroad.

Indeed, even in South Korea, numerous men need to have a face like him and BTS’ V has been named as the top wanted Korean superstar that Korean men wish to have a face like. He has additionally been commended and praised by plastic specialists for his normal highlights.

South Korean plastic specialists have assessed his face and found that it has the ideal proportion and extents from each side, be it front or side. They likewise expressed that it is difficult to come by the symbol’s E-line among the Asians.

Aside from South Korea, BTS’ V and his magnificence has reached out to unfamiliar terrains as well. As referenced before, a Brazilian plastic specialist, Dr. Rafael Frota, respected and lauded BTS’ V’s ideal balance and brilliant proportion on the Brazillian Television station Record.

Dr. Rafael Frota expounded that the symbol’s facial elements are altogether different from Korean principles. He further expressed that his face is exceptionally satisfying to the eye. Kim Tae-hyung’s as of late delivered his photograph folio idea film on December 7, 2022 named Me Myself and V, Veautiful Days where he thought back about the nostalgic recollections of the past. The one of a kind style video was satisfying to the eyes.

Fans were thrilled and intrigued with the rare magnificence of the idea film and have been enthusiastically hanging tight for a date for the photobook. Fans are likewise enthusiastically anticipating BTS’ V’s independent collection as they stream other content that Big Hit amusement is delivering about the symbol.

BTS’ V is additionally outfitting to join the military in June 2024 and that has disheartened his fans gigantically. It has been accounted for that the symbol will return by December 2025 assuming he enrolls on the said date.